Why an AMC?

The What and Why of Choosing an Association Management Company (AMC)

Other Questions?

IntrinXec Management, Inc.
5353 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 350
Minneapolis, MN 55416


Marketing: Make Sure You Are On Target

Often when I am talking to a company’s marketing department, they tell me how strongly they feel about social media – blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. I agree that these are good communication tools, and that there is a large portion of our population (particularly younger Americans) who use social media as their exclusive source…
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Is it time to update your association’s website?

I recently saw a statistic that the average person touches their phone 110 times a day. I also saw one that said 46 times per day. Which one do I believe? Well 46 sounds far more reasonable, but when I think about the world around me, 110 is probably very possible. No matter where you go,…
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Files of Mass Confusion

When it comes to working with a graphic designer you will come to learn that there is a plethora of file formats out in the world. You will hear terms like: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, EPS, AI, PSD, PDF and INDD, to name a few. You might think to yourself, “What difference does it make?…
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