Election 2016 – Let’s Bridge the Divide

I wasn’t going to write about the election. I was really trying to avoid it. But now that it has consumed my mind for the past seven days, I decided to write. I have friends and family on both sides of the fence. I have colleagues who are angry and colleagues who are thrilled. And…

Exit Interviews and Fresh Eyes

What happens when a deer first catches the scent or sound of a hunter? It freezes. Why does the deer freeze? Because motion would catch the hunter’s eye and make the deer’s presence obvious. To hide in plain sight, the deer needs to be motionless. What about things that hide in plain sight in our…

Google… Help Me Engage Millennials

One of the common themes that we hear from client associations is the difficulties they experience in recruiting, engaging, and retaining Millennials. As a Millennial myself, I’ve often thought about this issue. Millennials are thought of as a group that doesn’t value the personal connections and networking that are offered by associations. They’d rather just…

Recognition – Strategies to Keep Those Important Volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of every association. Recruiting volunteers is one thing – but retaining those volunteers is a challenge we all face. To retain volunteers, an organization needs to be aware of what motivates and leads each one to feel satisfied with the time he or she donates. Nothing motivates like recognition. Showing appreciation…

Life Lesson from a 5 Year Old

I’m sitting at a park with my 5-year-old and I find myself admiring her courage. But it’s not the kind of courage it takes to swing from the monkey bars without mom’s help, or to go down the scary tornado slide without mom catching you at the end. It’s the courage to walk up to…

It’s an Election Year – Is Your Association Prepared?

As if we aren’t sick of politics already, here’s another angle to consider: Historically, the economy takes a dive during the inaugural year of a presidency. Look back at even the past three presidential inaugural years and you will see the U.S. economy experienced some level of a recession during those years (1993, 2001, 2009).…