Blia Lee

assistant account executive

Blia Lee


Blia Lee

assistant account executive

Blia joined the IntrinXec team as the Assistant Account Executive for CXPA. Blia supports the CXPA in numerous ways including CCXP candidate support and services as well as assisting staff with various in-house projects. Her background in Management and Office Administration has given her the skills to successfully execute any task given. She is a strong individual who majored in Business Management with a minor in Project Management. Her passion for managing projects and accomplishing them makes her a perfect match with CXPA.

Quick facts about Blia

  • She has loved arts and crafts since she was in elementary school
  • She has 3 handsome boys who karaoke every night before bed
  • She enjoys road trips with family and friends
Reece Blaiser

Reece Blaiser

graphic designer

Krista Cress

assistant account executive

Derik Iverson

Derik Iverson

community manager – CXPA

Adrienne Bryant

Adrienne Bryant, CAE

account executive

No Photo

Amanda Sullivan

senior account executive

Anthony Tovar


Steve Kalina

Steve Kalina

president – MPMA

Mary Pat Nielson

Mary Pat Nielson

account executive

Joy Wedge

marketing manager – CXPA

Greg Melia, CAE

Greg Melia, CAE

chief executive officer – CXPA

Lacy Hinson

Lacy Hinson

program associate

Jordan Grote

Jordan Grote

account executive

Leah Sweet

Leah Sweet

senior account executive


MacKenzie (Mack) McCullum

assistant account executive

David Jaffe

David Jaffe, CAE

principal / owner

Emilie LaBonte

Emilie LaBonte

program associate

Jessica Bartram

Jessica A. Bartram, CMP

senior account executive

Molly Perrin

Molly Perrin

community manager – cxpa

Shelly Losinski

Shelly Losinski

meeting & events manager

No Photo

Mia Hutchinson


Gabe Smith, CCXP

content manager – cxpa

Steve Kalina
Emilie LaBonte