Jessica Bartram


Jessica A. Bartram, CMP

senior account executive

Jess grew up around associations, conferences and board meetings and feels right at home in the nonprofit world. Her parents started an association management company when she was 9 years old and took her with them as they traveled for client conventions, board meetings and retreats. She learned early what the industry was about and what it took to be in it … all while enjoying the free trips around the globe at such a young age.

As she got older, her breadth of experience grew as well. While most of you enjoyed your after-school specials, she was filing membership applications and typing renewal notices … on a typewriter. She has since worked in areas such as marketing, business development, membership services, meeting management and the executive director role. Her particular passion revolves around events, specifically conventions. The more sessions, the more speakers, the more attendees and the more exhibitors, the more amped up she gets. Do you remember Tasmanian Devil? That’s her at her happiest. She even makes those same sounds from time to time.

Since her time as a peanut in the industry, she has worked for three association management companies and the nation’s largest event general services contractor, Freeman, as an account manager. She also serves as an adjunct faculty member at a local college in their Meeting and Event Management AAS program.

Jess received her Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) certification in 2013 which is recognized globally as the badge of excellence in the meeting, convention, exhibition and event industry. Given her passion, that day was more exciting for her than the day she graduated from college.

After being a cheerleading captain in high school, there isn’t much that Jessica feels she can’t accomplish with hard work, practice, and of course, the right team. She’s still trying to teach her IntrinXec teammates some cheers. Catch her in the right mood and she might just show you!

Emilie LaBonte

Emilie LaBonte

program associate

Molly Perrin

Molly Perrin

community manager – cxpa

Leah Sweet

Leah Sweet

senior account executive

Blia Lee

Blia Lee

assistant account executive

Anthony Tovar


Joy Wedge

marketing manager – CXPA

Krista Cress

assistant account executive

David Jaffe

David Jaffe, CAE

principal / owner

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Amanda Sullivan

senior account executive

Shelly Losinski

Shelly Losinski

meeting & events manager

Derik Iverson

Derik Iverson

community manager – CXPA

Steve Kalina

Steve Kalina

president – MPMA

Gabe Smith, CCXP

content manager – cxpa

Adrienne Bryant

Adrienne Bryant, CAE

account executive

Lacy Hinson

Lacy Hinson

program associate

Mary Pat Nielson

Mary Pat Nielson

account executive

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Mia Hutchinson


Reece Blaiser

Reece Blaiser

graphic designer


MacKenzie (Mack) McCullum

assistant account executive

Jordan Grote

Jordan Grote

account executive

Greg Melia, CAE

Greg Melia, CAE

chief executive officer – CXPA

Adrienne Bryant, CAE
Reece Blaiser